the postoffice at the time of my ordeal either, in case any of you should be worried.) However, it is becoming impossible to do all the necessary detail work without help, and Bob is the logical one to help. It was with him that the idea of doing TRANSVESTIA was worked out in the first place. At that time he did not live in Calif. but he had access to an offset pres8. The plan was for me to edit and he would print and mail. This would have made him fully aware of all aspects of the enterprise. Due to a number of circumstances his situation changed and he moved to Calif. So this amounts to a reunification of the team that got the project underway in the beginning and I am sure that few if any of you will object to this arrangement.
Among other advantages it will assure the continuation of the magazine in case anything happens to me. Barbara, in addi- tion to helping me with the daily details of record keeping, mailing, etc. is going to do some promotional work for the mag- azine, small ads in various likely publications. With 2 heads and 4 hands we should make more progress and his help with the details will leave me more time for editing and writing
At various times some of you have asked what you could do to help--here is one way: If you can type and would be willing to render handwritten material into standard sized typed pages please send in your name. As work of this type accumulates I will send some of this to such volunteers. The material may not necessarily be for the next issue but will be such that it will be available for some issue and I will need a backlog of ready-to-go material for the next steps in the plans.
I have made arrangements with my printer's wife to do the actual typing of the material. This of course, adds to my cost, but it will free me from a lot of the laborious part of the op- eration and free me for more productive writing, editing, and corresponding. (As you might guess, I have a couple of books cluttering up the back of my head and I'd like to get them on paper.)
Next, I have bought a machine that will make metal offset plates by photographic means so that the future issues can be printed in larger runs or rerun later by the use of the same plates which can be preserved. Paper plates are no good for rerunning. Also they will not last for more than about 4-500